2025 Legislative Principles

89th Regular Session

Water districts support the American Dream and the Texas Miracle.

AWBD supports policies that promote the availability and affordability of housing to support the growing Texas economy. Water districts support Texas’ growth by providing high-quality water, sewer, drainage, road, and park infrastructure. Water districts serve millions of Texans with water and sewer service. 

AWBD Supports:

  • The continued TCEQ oversight of all water districts, including maintaining and enforcing TCEQ rules relating to the issuance and feasibility of bonds by water districts. 
  • TCEQ resources to efficiently and timely implement its water district programs. 
  • The financial and administrative independence of water districts regulated by the TCEQ. 
  • The continued authority of the TCEQ to create new water districts in a timely and efficient manner without frivolous protests. 
  • Expanded options to conduct meetings of boards of directors by teleconference and videoconference to enhance public participation in meetings. 
  • TCEQ wastewater permitting that is incentive based and with reasonable and obtainable standards. 
  • Reforming and updating policies for wastewater regionalization to account for state-of-the-art technology and operation. 
  • Protecting the right to create a water district within the jurisdiction of a city or county. 
  • Ensuring that water districts may participate in regional water systems without discrimination. 
  • Municipal and county regulations on utilities and development that are fair, not unduly burdensome, timely, and not detrimental to the affordability of housing. 
  • Protecting water districts against efforts to shift from counties to water districts the responsibility of maintaining facilities, including roads and related facilities, storm sewers, and drainage and detention facilities. 
  • Increased state participation in funding water, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure. 
  • Prohibiting the conversion of taxable property to nontaxable property and avoiding paying for the infrastructure and utilities to support the property. 

AWBD's Legislative Bills List

Each session AWBD’s Legislative Affairs Committee tracks bills that correspond to AWBD’s legislative priorities. Below are bills that AWBD was following at the time of publication (early March). To search for up-to-date information on bills, visit https://capitol.texas.gov/.

ABHR's 88th Legislature Capitol Report

According to ABHR “The 88th Regular Session was incredibly productive.” 

Click on the buttons to view the reports.