The Legislative Planning subcommittee manages the Board’s legislative functions. Pursuant to direction from the Board and the annually updated legislative principles approved by the Board, the subcommittee reviews and monitors all legislative bills filed each legislative session that could affect the way districts conduct business. In this regard, the subcommittee tracks all bills that are filed during the session and reviews them for potential impact on districts. If necessary, the subcommittee will provide educational support to the legislature and testify before committees on pertinent bills. After each session, the subcommittee will typically review the session and the various new laws at the AWBD annual conference. In addition, the subcommittee conducts the regular lunch on the lawn at the Capitol.
The Local Government subcommittee receives, evaluates, and transmits information on local government activities and issues to the board of trustees and interested members. The subcommittee also promotes communication between the membership and local agencies, and foster relationships with local leadership, their staff, and administrators.
The Regulatory Affairs subcommittee was formed to keep AWBD informed of the vast information from the Texas Commission on Environment Quality. The subcommittee does not meet on a regular schedule; however, forwards information to AWBD whenever necessary.
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