Water Smart


Water Smart Mission Statement

Welcome to Water Smart, a public awareness campaign for water conservation sponsored by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board. Its primary message is to promote the idea that wise water use applies to all citizens, no matter what age or where they live.

Water Smart Goals

The Water Smart Program has established the following campaign objectives:

  • Increase awareness of the need for water conservation, during a drought and year-round.
  • Avoid or postpone the need for mandatory water rationing when possible in dry areas of the state.
  • Enable the public to participate in water conservation efforts both inside and outside the home.
  • Leverage existing local water conservation efforts.
  • Assemble local water utilities to carry out the first coordinated regional public information campaign on water conservation and water supply issues.

Get Your Water Smart Merchandise TODAY!

Water Smart District Signs

19″ x 19″ metal reflective signs……………$70.00

Water Smart Bumper Stickers

1,001 or more…………$0.35ea.
201 – 1,000……………. $0.40ea.
200 or less…………….. $0.45ea.

• Shipping charges will be added to order, unless picking up from AWBD office
• Bookkeepers note: Make checks payable to AWBD, memo stating “Water Smart”