Programs & Education

Committee Chair

Kara E. Richardson

Committee Vice Chair

Ellen Hughes

This committee is responsible but not limited to events planned primarily to provide educational benefits to members such as the annual conference sessions, special program groups, workshops, training sessions, educational webinars, and special events.

Committee Chairs have been named for the 2024-2025 year and are already hard at work. If you have ideas that you want to bring to the attention of a particular committee, contact the chairperson named above via our online form. They look forward to hearing from you to make the year another outstanding one for AWBD and its membership.

Programs & Education Subcommittees

Conferences Subcommittee


ElizaBeth Reeves

Vice Chair

Robert Dazey, P.E.

The Conferences subcommittee is responsible for planning and coordinating all aspects of the AWBD Annual Conference and Mid-Winter Conference. This group also monitors and evaluates the conferences for potential advancements.

Emerging Leaders Subcommittee


Breah Campbell

Vice Chair

Trisha Frederick, P.E.

AWBD created the Emerging Leaders Subcommittee in 2019, launched its first Emerging Leaders class in 2020 and a second class in 2021.

The mission for AWBD Emerging Leaders Initiative focuses on and develops our current and next-generation leaders of Water Board Directors and Consultants. Participants can expect several diverse educational sessions where members receive robust hands-on training and mentorship that fosters strategic-industry advocacy

Special Programs and Parks


Tara Klein, PLA, ALSA

Vice Chair

Leigh Walden

The Special Programs and Parks Subcommittee initiates and plans educational programs that fall outside of the scope of our normal programming. This includes Director 101 and any other programs that may arise due to a specific situation or crisis in the special district community. This subcommittee is also working closely with staff to design AWBD’s ever growing video library. 

The Parks subcommittee hosts informational “Lunch & Learn” sessions to discuss diverse topics ranging from park maintenance, to water reuse, and even the importance of compost. These meetings provide insightful dialogue and resources to educate members on how to better serve their recreational spaces.